Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So call me stupid!

Or a mom who has lost her mind! I like playing around with fonts and I guess I picked the wrong one, so no one could read my post! Sorry! :lol:

Another week is flying by! The kids have school tomorrow and then are off for SPRING BREAK! We have some fun things planned. We are going to the Philly Zoo, on a playdate, and down to the shore...of course this all depends on Jersey weather!

We took Macaulay to the Dr. today. He weighs 7lbs 8oz! YEAH!!!!! He's still on the monitor at night...BOO!!! At least for another month! He is doing good other than that.

Brody is, well Brody! He is happy one minute and ticked off the next! Today I was playing "This little Piggy" and he was cracking up! It was funny the first 10 times, but after about the 45th time it wasn't funny me anyway.

Zach isn't feeling well today. He is actually sleeping now, which he doesn't do! So I hope that he feels better by Sunday. I don't want him to be sick for Easter. He hasn't pulled any pegs this week, so I'm happy that his behavior is better in school this week.

Kayley just left for hip hop. Let me tell you she still has NO rhythm. She loves it and that's all that matters.

I feel like I have repeated myself in this post! Sorry. But my mind is drawing a blank.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Good job, Zach! (about the school thing) Get feeling better!
Glad to hear everyone else is doing good!
Have a Happy Easter! Love ya!